Randy joined our team as the Senior Adults Minister in 2021, and he has a passion for ministering to and sharing the love of Jesus with our senior adults in our community. He currenlty works as a truck driver for a local company, but God placed a calling on his heart to love and take care of our senior adults while also serving as a deacon. He currenlty is still working as a truck driver, however, he looks forward to being able to serve in this capacity full-time upon retirement. He and his wife, Mary, have been married for 46 years. Together they have 2 grown children who have families of their own, including 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. They have been a part of the FBC Elmore City family since 1987 and has served as a deacon in our church for over 30 years.
Through life experiences, he feels as if God has equipped him with the tools necessary for helping and caring for our senior adults while pointing them towards a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. His desire is to be there to pray with them, encourage them, and help them in whatever ways he can during the good times and hard times of life. He seeks for opportunities to be available to help senior adults walk through life as well as learn from them about how they can best be ministered to.
8AM - 3PM Monday
8AM - 12PM Tuesday
8AM - 3PM Wednesday
8AM - 3PM Thursday
_____________ Friday